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About Me: Ryan Burns

I first started stringing lacrosse sticks when I was in the seventh grade. At first, I wasn't very good at it. I really had no clue what I was doing. I wasn't sure how to create a pocket in my stick or string any type of shooting string. It took me many hours of practice to get to where I am today as an expert stringer.


To date, I have strung over twenty different sticks, and I've gotten better each time. To me, stringing is more than a hobby.  It's a passion and one of my favorite things to do. If you really get into stringing, you'll find yourself taking apart and re-stringing perfectly good sticks, just for the fun in it.


When I first started to learn to string, I couldn't find any worthwhile tutorials online that satisfied me. With this website, my goal is to provide viewers with detailed descriptions and tutorials for everything one needs to know about stringing.

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